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Moving Registrations To & From Events with Automated Recurring Billing

  • When a registration is moved out of a price level with Automated Recurring Billing to a price level without Automated Recurring Billing it would remove the Automated Recurring Billing and the amount they paid will be transferred over to the new price level.

  • When a registration is moved into a price level with Automated Recurring Billing they will be sent an email letting them know they need to make a manual payment so their card information can be saved. If they are moved into a price level with different amounts they can pay their remaining balance at the end, just like they would normally do.

  • When a registration is moved from a price level with Automated Recurring Billing to a new price level with Automated Recurring Billing their information will already be saved so they will go on the new schedule/payments.

    • The event director will need to be the one to communicate the changes and let the customer know the changes for the new price level.

    • If they have a remaining balance after the last payment has been processed, they can go in and pay their remaining balance like they currently can.

  • When a manual registration is created, the user will need to go in and make a manual payment so that their card information will be saved and they can get on the Automated Recurring Billing schedule. If they have a remaining balance at the end they will be able to pay their remaining balance like they currently can.

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