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Setting Up Go

Setting up QR Codes:

Registrants receive the QR code on the receipt if this option is turned on within the event and/or QR codes is selected to be used in Go. They both go together if one is on the other one is on.

Event Directors/Staff can also download all the QR codes and use them to make name tags, etc.

In order to have QR codes show on the receipts the following box needs to be checked in the event: “Include QR Codes on receipts”. Please reach out to your account rep to have this box selected.

In order to have QR codes show on the receipts the following box needs to be checked in the event: “Include QR Codes on receipts”. This is located on the add/edit event page within the Event Registration Display section.

Registrants receive the QR code on the receipt if this option is turned on within the event and/or QR codes is selected to be used in Go. They both go together if one is on the other one is on.

Adding App Users:

Step 1:

Make sure that “Check-Ins” or “Evaluations” is selected in the Ryzer Go Settings.

 Step 2:

When Check-In is selected in the app settings, an event code and pin will automatically be generated for Check-in. This is where you will need to go to see who all has access to the app. The code that is automatically generated is the event id number, but it can be changed if needed. 

Step 3:

Click on “Manage App Users” from the Event Access Code page.


Step 4:

You can view any user who has logged into the app with their code and pin. You will have the ability to search users, update, or delete an evaluator.

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