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How Alerts Work

Ryzer Alerts is our notification system that connects athletes with relevant events and maximizes the exposure of your events.

Parents/Guardians or Athletes create a customizable profile for themselves or each child. Ryzer’s patented notification system will tailor notifications to their preferences based on how they set up their profile.

Ryzer alerts will send out emails/text(s) to athlete/parent when an event match is found. This allows them to register for the event or save the email notice to register later.

Ryzer alerts send automated event reminders for events of interest – days prior to the registration cutoff and/or when an event is close to selling out.

If a Ryzer user is signed up for an event, they will not receive the Ryzer Alert that is scheduled to go out after they’ve registered. This will be done for every single Ryzer Alert sent including both the initial send and any type of resent Ryzer Alerts. This doesn’t apply for the wait list.

This will only apply to registrants that register under a profile. If the user registered for an event without signing into their profile, but they do have a Ryzer profile, then they would still receive the Ryzer Alert.

If someone was to register between the time the Ryzer Alert is sent out and their weekly scheduled Ryzer Alerts, then they would still receive the Ryzer Alert for that event.

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