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What the widget numbers mean

Options shown on the Ryzer Alerts Dashboard are as follows:

  1. Event Views

    1. The total number of times that any of the customers event details have been viewed in Ryzer either by viewing an alert, viewing a recommended event on a profile, or searching for the event within the event search.

    2. The following will count towards an event view:

      1. Clicking on an event from the alert email.

      2. When on the website viewing the events in an alert email…expanding the event details

      3. If they copy the link of an individual event and go to that page (or anyone goes to that page of an individual event)

      4. Clicking on an event from the event search

      5. Clicking on an event from the profile dashboard for recommended

  2. Alerts Sent

    1. The total number of alerts sent out for the customers events to any Ryzer users that requested to receive alerts for that specific customer or if the Ryzer Users notification settings meet the criteria set within the customers events.

      1. This criterion includes: Gender, Age Range, Grade Range and Distance (i.e. Zip Code).

  3. Widget Alerts

    1. The total number of alerts set-up through the Ryzer Widget page on the customers website.

  4. Alerts Clicked

    1. The total number of times that a Ryzer User clicked on an event alert within the email they received for that customers events.

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