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TAP Invitations are how your team and staff members will be able to take the TAP, knowing you requested it.

How it Works

You can invite individuals one at a time, or send us your roster and we will send an invite to all those on your team you would like to invite to take the TAP assessment.

When you invite someone to take the TAP, they will receive an invitation telling them that you’ve invited them to take the TAP for your account’s name. We have scheduled reminders 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after the original invite is sent if they have not yet accepted or declined the invitation.

Invites are sent via email. Users will receive the invitation to whatever email you select to send it to. They do however have the option to take the TAP using a different email. This typically happens if they have an existing Ryzer account with their personal email, but were invited via their school email. If they use a different email, the email that will display on the Team page will be what they used for their Ryzer profile.

Team Invitation Status & Actions

Once the invitations have been sent, you will see different statuses on the Team Invitations tab on the Dashboard.

  • Invite Sent XX/XX/XXXX: This shows that an initial invitation has been sent. You have the option to resend the invitation to the same email, or you can revoke the invitation if you no longer would like them to take the TAP via invitation.

  • Invite Declined: When a player or staff member is invited to take the TAP, they receive the option to accept or decline the invitation. If the status is declined, that user has opted to not accept the invitation you have sent them.

    • In the case a user accidentally declines, you can delete the record and invite them again.

  • Invite Not Sent: If you have them on your team or as an admin, but not sent them an invite, they will display here. There is an option to send the invite from there.

  • Eligible to Retake: Once you’ve had users take the TAP assessment, they are eligible to take it again 6 months later. You can send another invite once they are back on the Team Invitation page.

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