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Nominations are for prospective team members to take the TAP assessment.

How it Works

You can nominate individuals one at a time, or send us your roster and we will send a nomination to all those you would like to take the TAP assessment.

When you nominate someone to take the TAP, they will receive an anonymous invitation, giving them your level and sport information only. This follows NCAA rules involving coach communications. We have scheduled reminders 7 days and 10 days after the original nomination is sent if they have not yet accepted or declined the nomination.

Nominations are sent via email. Users will receive the nomination to whatever email you select to send it to. They do however have the option to take the TAP using a different email. This typically happens if they have an existing Ryzer account with their personal email, but were invited via their school email. If they use a different email, the email they use will update on the Prospect Nominations tab.

Once users have taken the TAP via nomination, you can decide to add them as a prospect or not. If they have not opted in to share their results, we will automatically request for them to share their results. Until they do this, you will be unable to view their TAP reports.

Prospect Nomination Status & Actions

Once the nominations have been sent, you will see different statuses on the Prospect Nominations tab on the Dashboard.

  • Nominated XX/XX/XXXX: The nomination was sent to the email listed. You can resend the nomination or revoke the nomination, which will no longer allow them to take the TAP.

  • TAP Taken - XX/XX/XXXX: Users nominated to take the TAP won’t automatically go to your Prospects list. Instead, once they’ve taken the TAP, you will have the option to add the prospect to your Prospects or remove them from your list.

  • TAP Taken (Private) - Share Requested XX/XX/XXXX: The user has taken the TAP, but has not opted for coaches to see their results. An email was sent requesting them to share their results. We will also send a reminder email 7 and 10 days later if they have not yet shared their results. You can resend the request on demand or revoke the request as well.

  • Nomination Declined: The user you nominated declined taking the TAP. You can delete them if you would like to remove them from your list.

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