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Navigation in Ryzer Mindset

The Dashboard is your homepage for Ryzer Mindset. Depending on what level and package you have, you may not see all of the features available. If there’s something you’re looking for, reach out to your account representative for more information.

This is where you can access Team Reports and Leaderboards, invite team members, or nominate prospective team members to take the TAP. Mindset Credits can also be purchased from here.

More information here:

Team TAP Results

Team Mindset Indicators

Team Leaderboards



Mindset Credits

The Team page is where the members of your team that you’ve invited to take the TAP will live. Once they’ve taken the TAP, their results will display here.

If a user isn’t showing up on your team, they may be in one of the inactive lists, or have taken the TAP but not through your invite. First check the Alumni or Archived lists. If that’s not the case, have the user check their email for the TAP invite and have them follow through to accept the invite. If they’ve taken the TAP in the last 6 months, once the user has accepted the invite to join the team, they won’t need to do anything else, and their TAP record will display on your Team.

The Prospects page is where prospective team members that you’ve nominated or invited to take the TAP will live.

Users that take the TAP will only show up as a prospect once you’ve added them as a Prospect from the Prospect Nominations/Invitations tab.

If a user opts not to share their results with coaches, we automatically send an email once the TAP has been completed on your behalf to request their results be shared. If they accept, that user will then show the option to “Add Prospect”.

If you are using Mindset Credits, you can view how many credits you currently have both on your Dashboard and on the badge icon as shown below.


By clicking on that icon or “Purchase Credits” from the Dashboard, you will be able to go through and purchase more credits to obtain more TAPs taken from team members or prospective team members.

In Team Settings, you will be able to manage your groups and admins. Only super admins will be able to add and edit admin access for the team.

This is your personal account information. Only you will be able to see this. If you need to change your name, email, mobile phone, or password, you can do it here.

If you are also a Ryzer Events customer user, you will be able to go between Ryzer Mindset and Ryzer Events.

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